5. Command Cheat Sheet

This is strictly a reference document - the following commands do not define a specific process.

5.1. Git

This is a selection of Git commands most useful for working with dvmdostem. For more thorough coverage, visit the Git documentation: https://git-scm.com/doc

5.1.1. Status

These commands print information to the console and change nothing.

$ git status

See the current state of your local repository

$ git branch

List all local branches, including the active one

$ git branch -r

List all remote branches

$ git remote -v

List all remote repositories

5.1.2. Branch Management

$ git checkout -b [branch-name]

Create a new branch

$ git checkout [remote-branch-name]

Check out a remote branch

$ git checkout --track [remote-name]/[branch-name]

Force a new local branch to track a remote branch

$ git checkout [branch-name]

Move to another branch

$ git branch -d [branch-name]

Delete a merged branch

$ git branch -D [branch-name]

Force delete a branch, even if Git warns you

5.1.3. Keeping master up to date

Command Sequence


$ git checkout master
$ git remote update
$ git pull upstream master
Make sure you are on the master branch
Update remote refs
Fetch and merge the upstream changes

5.1.4. Keeping master up to date while retaining local changes

Command Sequence


$ git remote update
$ git stash
$ git checkout master
$ git pull upstream master
$ git checkout [PREVIOUS BRANCH]
$ git stash pop
See what has changed upstream
Set aside local changes
Checkout the master branch
Fetch and merge code from upstream
Go back to the branch you were working on
Re-apply your local changes

5.1.5. Changing branches

Command Sequence


$ git status
# address changes (e.g. stash, commit, or revert)
$ git checkout [BRANCH]
See if you have any local changes
Deal with your local changes
Change branches

5.1.6. Making a commit

Command Sequence


# edit files...make changes
$ git status
$ git diff
$ git add [PATH TO FILE TO ADD]
$ git commit -m "Your message..."
Do your coding work, whatever it may be…
See what you’ve changed
Evaluate what changed
Add changes to the staging area
Actually make the commit.


Most of the time in order to make simple, clear, consise commits, you need granular control over which lines of each file shoud be comitted. This is possible using the command line interface to Git but is frequently easier using a graphical client such as Git Cola or Git Gui. Thre are many other graphical clients available as well.

5.1.7. Code Management

$ git fetch

Fetch all new commits from all remotes

$ git pull [remote]

Update the current branch from the remote repository

$ git add [filename]

Stage the changes made to filename for committing

$ git restore [filename]

Discard changes made to filename

$ git restore --staged [filename]

Unstage changes made to filename but don’t discard them

$ git commit

Commit all staged changes

$ git push [remote] [local branch]:[remote branch]

Push your local branch to the specified remote repository

5.2. Docker

Depending on your setup, you may need to replace docker-compose with docker compose in the following commands.

$ docker-compose up -d

Start the container(s)

$ docker-compose exec [container name] [command]

Run a one-off command inside a container

$ docker-compose exec dvmdostem-run bash

Run bash inside the container dvmdostem-run so all further commands are executed in the container

$ docker-compose exec -u root dvmdostem-run bash

Run bash inside dvmdostem-run as the root user. This will avoid permission errors but should be used with care.

$ exit

Exit the container

$ docker-compose down

Shut down the container(s)

5.3. dvmdostem

These are a few of the most common script calls and commands related to running dvmdostem. More complete instructions can be found by using the --help option with each program.

$ ./scripts/util/setup_working_directory.py [output_dir] --input-data-path [input_dir]

Set up a working directory

$ ./scripts/util/runmask.py --reset [run-mask file]

Disable all cells in the run mask

$ ./scripts/util/runmask.py --yx 0 0 [run-mask file]

Enable cell 0,0 in the run mask

$ ./scripts/util/outspec.py [output spec file] --reset

Disable all outputs

$ ./scripts/util/outspec.py [output spec file] --on [var] [timestep] [granularity]

Enable an output (generic)

$ ./scripts/util/outspec.py [output spec file] --on GPP m pft

Enable GPP output by month and pft

$ ./dvmdostem -l err -f [config file] -p 50 -e 100 -s 250 -t 115 -n 85

Run dvmdostem with error level logging and a specified config file