1. Model Overview
DVMDOSTEM is designed to simulate the key biophysical and biogeochemical processes between the soil, the vegetation and the atmosphere. The evolution and refinement of DVMDOSTEM have been shaped by extensive research programs and applications both in permafrost and non-permafrost regions ([Genet et al., 2013]; [Genet et al., 2018]; [Jafarov et al., 2013]; [Yi et al., 2010]; [Yi et al., 2009]; [Euskirchen et al., 2022]; [Briones et al., 2024]). The model is spatially explicit and represents ecosystem response to climate and disturbances at seasonal (i.e. monthly) to centennial scales. The snow and soil columns are split into a dynamic number of layers to represent their impact on thermal and hydrological dynamics and the consequences for soil C and N dynamics. Vegetation composition is modeled using community types (CMTs), each of which consists of multiple plant functional types (PFTs - groups of species sharing similar ecological traits). This structure allows the model to represent the effect of competition for light, water and nutrients on vegetation composition [Euskirchen et al., 2009], as well as the role of nutrient limitation on permafrost ecosystem dynamics, with coupling between C and N cycles ([McGuire et al., 1992]; [Euskirchen et al., 2009]). Finally, the model represents the effects of wildfire in order to evaluate the role of climate-driven fire intensification on ecosystem structure and function([Yi et al., 2010]; [Genet et al., 2013]). The structure of DVMDOSTEM is represented visually in Fig. 1.1 .
![Visual overview of DVMDOSTEM.](_images/dvmdostem-overview-export_2024-08-19.jpg)
Fig. 1.1 Overview of DVMDOSTEM soil and vegetation structure. On the left is the soil structure showing the layers and different properties that are tracked (purple bubble: carbon (C), nitrogen (N), temperature (T), volumetric water content (VWC), ice). Each of the layers with properties described above is also categorized as organic (fibric or humic) or mineral. Additionally, the model simulates snow layers and the removal of soil organic layers due to fire. On the right is the vegetation structure showing plant functional types (PFTs) within a community type (CMT) and the associated pools and fluxes of C and N. Each PFT is split into compartments (leaf, stem and root) which track their own C and N content and associated fluxes. The fluxes are represented with red text while the pools are black. In addition, there is competition among the PFTs for light, water, and available N, shown with the purple arrow in the top center.
1.1. Structure
DVMDOSTEM is multi-dimensional. It operates across spatial and temporal dimensions, soil layers, and plant functional types.
![Visual overview of DVMDOSTEM pixel](_images/dvmdostem-general-pixel_export_2024-15-11.jpg)
Fig. 1.2 DVMDOSTEM is a spatially explicit. The base unit of computation is a pixel. There pixels are laid out in a grid. Each pixel is run based on the status of a run mask, which is one of the required input files. Each pixel is parameterized for both soil and vegetation properties. Together the parameterizaton values define a Community Type (CMT). Each pixel is modeled using Plant Functional Types (PFTs) and a layer stack for soil and snow.
1.1.1. Spatial
DVMDOSTEM can be applied at the site level or across large regions. Spatially, DVMDOSTEM breaks up the landscape into grid cells, each of which is characterized by a set of input forcing and parameterization values. Gridded parameterization values describe soil and vegetation characteristics associated with each Community Type (CMT). DVMDOSTEM does not include the lateral transfer of information between grid cells. The CMT classification for each grid cell is static across the time dimension of a model simulation. These two factors limit the ability of the model to represent climate-driven biome shifts or succession trajectories from disturbances such as wildfire [Johnstone et al., 2010]. Design discussions are in progress for adding these capabilities to DVMDOSTEM.
DVMDOSTEM itself is agnostic to the spatial resolution - the resolution is controlled by the input files provided. Recent work has been done with 1km spatial resolution.
1.1.2. Temporal
DVMDOSTEM is a temporal model: a run consists of executing the ecologic processes through consecutive time-steps. Much of the modeling is occurring at a monthly time step, although some process execute at a daily resolution and some processes are yearly.
To initialize historical or future simulations, DVMDOSTEM needs to compute a quasi steady-state (QSS) solution. This solution is forced by using averaged historical atmospheric and ecosystem properties (e.g. soil texture) to drive the model. QSS of physical processes (e.g. soil temperature and water content) are usually achieved in less than 100 years, while QSS of biogeochemical processes (e.g. soil and vegetation \(C\) and \(N\) stocks) are achieved in 1,000 to >10,000 years. However, to decrease overall run-times, DVMDOSTEM uses two QSS stages: “Pre-run” and “Equilibrium”. The list of all DVMDOSTEM run stages is as follows:
Pre-run (pr): QSS computation for the physical state variables.
Equilibrium (eq): QSS computation for the biogeochemical state variables.
Spinup (sp): introduction of pre-industrial climate variability and fire regime.
Transient (tr): historical simulation.
Scenario (sc): future simulation.
Model simulation requires advancing the model consecutively through all of the
run stages as needed (pr -> eq -> sp -> tr ->
). It is possible to work with
any subset of the stages using the command line --restart
Automatic equilibrium (QSS) detection.
DVMDOSTEM does not have an internal test for whether or not equilibrium
(quasi steady state; QSS) has been reached. In other words, if you specify
, the model will run for 20,000 years no matter what
internal state it reached. It appears that some of the variable and constant
names and the command line flag --max-eq
are vestigial remains of an
attempt at “automatic equilibrium detection”.
pre-run (pr)
The pre-run is an equilibrium run for the physical variables of the model. It is typically 100 years, uses constant climate (typically monthly average computed from the [1901-1930] period).
equilibrium (eq)
In the equilibrium stage, the climate is fixed. That is, the climate does not vary from year to year. There will be intra-annual variability to represent the seasons, but from year to year the calculations will be carried out using the same annual cycles. Equilibrium run stage is used in the calibration mode, and is typically the first stage run for any complete simulation. During the eq stage, the annual climate inputs used are actually calculated as the mean of the first 30 years of the historic climate dataset (specified in the config file), so the mean of the values from 1901-1930.
spinup (sp)
In the spinup stage, the climate is not fixed: the driving climate is used from the first 30 years of the historic climate dataset. Should the spstage be set to run longer than 30 years, the 30 year climate period is re-used. In the sp stage the fire date is fixed, occuring at an interval equal to the Fire Recurrence Interval (FRI).
transient (tr)
In the transient stage, the climate varies from year to year. The tr stage is used to run the model over the period of historical record. The input climate data for the tr stage should be the historic climate. This is typically the climate data for the 20th century, so roughly 1901-2009.
scenario (sc)
In the scenario stage, the climate also varies from year to year, but rather than observed variability, a predicted climate scenario is used.
1.1.3. Community Types (CMTs)
Each DVMDOSTEM grid cell can be assigned one “community type” (CMT). A community type is essentially a parameterization that specifies many properties for vegetation, and soil.
1.1.4. Vegetation Types (PFTs)
Each vegetation CMT (e.g. “wet-sedge tundra”, “white spruce forest”, etc.), is modeled with up to ten PFTs (e.g., “deciduous shrubs”, “sedges”, “mosses”), each of which may have up to three compartments: leaf, stem, and root. Vegetation \(C\) and \(N\) fluxes are calculated at each time step based on environmental factors and soil properties. Assimilation of atmospheric \(CO_2\) by the vegetation is estimated by computing gross primary productivity (GPP) for each PFT. GPP is a function of foliage development (seasonal and successional patterns), air and soil temperature, water and nutrient availability, photosynthetically active radiation, and maximum assimilation rate (a calibrated parameter) ([McGuire et al., 1992]; [Euskirchen et al., 2009]). Changes in vegetation \(C\) stocks are calculated using GPP, autotrophic respiration (Ra), and litter-fall (transfer from vegetation to soil). Vegetation \(N\) stocks are calculated using plant \(N\) uptake and litter-fall. Vegetation \(C\) and \(N\) stocks may also be modified as a result of wildfire burn.
1.1.5. Soil and Snow (Layers)
The soil column is structured as a sequence of layers organized by soil horizons (i.e. fibric, humic, mineral, and parent material). The number and physical properties of layers may change throughout the simulation based on vegetation, thermal, hydrologic, and seasonal properties that are calculated at each time step ([Zhuang et al., 2003]; [Euskirchen et al., 2014]; [Yi et al., 2009]; [McGuire et al., 2018]). The model uses the two-directional Stefan algorithm to predict freezing/thawing fronts and the Richards equation to predict soil moisture dynamics in the unfrozen layers ([Yi et al., 2009]; [Yi et al., 2010]; [Zhuang et al., 2003]). Snow is also represented with a dynamic stack of layers. The physical properties of the snowpack (density, thickness, and temperature) are calculated from snowfall, sublimation and snowmelt. Snow cover influences soil-thermal and hydrological seasonal dynamics. Changes in soil \(C\) stocks are a result of litter-fall from the vegetation and decomposition of soil \(C\) stocks by microbes (heterotrophic respiration or Rh). Changes in soil organic and available \(N\) stocks are a result of litter-fall, net mineralization of organic \(N\) , and plant \(N\) uptake. Soil organic layers and soil \(C\) and \(N\) stocks may also be modified due to wildfire.
1.2. Inputs/Outputs (IO)
NetCDF files [Rew and Davis, 1990] are used as model inputs and outputs, conforming to the CF Conventions v1.11 [Eaton et al., 2011] where possible.
1.2.1. Inputs
The input variables used to drive DVMDOSTEM include: drainage classification (upland or lowland), CMT classification, topography (slope, aspect, elevation), soil texture (percent sand, silt, and clay), climate (air temperature, precipitation, vapor pressure, incoming shortwave radiation), atmospheric \(CO_2\) concentration, and fire occurrence (date and severity). All input datasets are spatially explicit, except the time series of atmospheric \(CO_2\).
Generally TEM requires several types of inputs:
- Spatially explicit - varies over spatial dimensions.
Examples are the topography variables, slope, aspect and elevation, which change for geographic location, but are fixed through time.
- Temporally explicit - varies over time dimension.
An example (and in fact the only such input for TEM) is atmospheric CO2 concentration, which is roughly the same across the globe, but varies over time.
- Temporally and spatially explicit - varies over time and spatial dimensions.
Examples are climate variables like air temperature and precipitation.
The dvmdostem
code is neither particularly smart nor picky about the input
files. There is minimal built-in error or validity checking and the program will
happily run with garbage input data or fail to run because of an invalid
attribute or missing input data value. It is up to the user to properly prepare
and validate their input data. There is a helper
program specifically for generating inputs from
data provided by SNAP. This data was prepared as part
of the Alaska IEM project (more
info here).
It remains an open project to generate input data from another source, e.g.
or a different soil database, etc.
Here some things that are generally assumed (program will likely run; results will likely be invalid) or expected (program unlikely to run if condition not met) of dvmdostem input files:
The model assumes the dimension order to be (time, Y, X), as per CF Conventions.
The time axes of the files are assumed to align exactly.
Input file spatial extents are assumed to align exactly.
The model expects inputs in NetCDF format.
The variables names are expected to exactly match the names as shown in the table below.
While there is full support for geo-referenced files, this is not a requirement. Internally, the model requires the latitude for only a single calculation. The geo-referencing information is simply passed along to the output files. It is not used internally and is primarily for provenance and to enable pre and post processing steps. In the event that the file(s) are projected and or geo-referenced, they should contain extra variables and attributes for projection coordinate data, unprojected coordinate data, and grid mapping strings.
The complete list of required TEM input variables is shown below.
file |
variable name |
dimensions |
units |
run-mask.nc |
run |
Y X |
drainage.nc |
drainage_class |
Y X |
vegetation.nc |
veg_class |
Y X |
topo.nc |
slope |
Y X |
aspect |
Y X |
elevation |
Y X |
soil-texture.nc |
pct_sand |
Y X |
pct_silt |
Y X |
pct_clay |
Y X |
co2.nc projected-co2.nc |
co2 |
year |
historic-climate.n c projected-climate. nc |
tair |
time Y X |
celcius |
precip |
time Y X |
mm month-1 |
nirr |
time Y X |
W m-2 |
vapor_press |
time Y X |
hPa |
time |
time |
days since YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
fri-fire.nc |
fri |
Y X |
fri_severity |
Y X |
fri_jday_of_bur n |
Y X |
fri_area_of_bur n |
Y X |
historic-explicit- fire.nc projected-explicit -fire.nc |
exp_burn_mask |
exp_jday_of_bur n |
exp_fire_severit y |
exp_area_of_bur n |
time |
time |
days since YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Example code to generate the above table.
import os; import netCDF4 as nc
indir_path = "demo-data/cru-ts40_ar5_rcp85_ncar-ccsm4_toolik_field_station_10x10"
for f in filter(lambda x: '.nc' in x, os.listdir(indir_path)):
ds = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(indir_path, f))
for vname, info in ds.variables.items():
if 'units' in info.ncattrs():
us = info.units
us = ''
print(" {:25s},{:15s},{:25s}".format( vname, ' '.join(info.dimensions),us))
1.2.2. Outputs
There are approximately 110 different variables available for output from DVMDOSTEM. One file will be produced per requested output variable. Users can specify the temporal and structural resolutions at which model outputs are produced. This functionality allows users to consider their computational resources and information needs when setting up a model run.
The outputs that are available for DVM-DOS-TEM are listed in the
file that is shipped with the repo. The following
table is built from that csv file:
Wide table, scroll right to see all columns!
Name |
Description |
Units |
Yearly |
Monthly |
Daily |
Compartments |
Layers |
Data Type |
Placeholder |
Soil active layer depth |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Total soil available N |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Nitrogen deposit from fire emission |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned soil C |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned soil N |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Ground burn thickness |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation C to atmosphere |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation N to atmosphere |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation C to standing dead C |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation N to standing dead N |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation C to soil above |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation N to soil above |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation C to soil below |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Burned vegetation N to soil below |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Community Type Number |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
Standing dead C |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Standing dead N |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Amorphous SOM C |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Amorphous SOM horizon thickness |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Input driving NIRR |
W/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
Input driving precip data after being split from snowfall |
mm |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
float |
Input driving precip data after being split from rainfall |
mm |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
float |
Input driving air temperature data |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
float |
Input driving vapor pressure |
hPa |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
float |
Dead woody debris C |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Dead woody debris N |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Actual ET |
mm/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
Depth of fronts |
mm |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Front types |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
g/m2/time |
y |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Growing ending day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
Growing starting day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
Hydraulic conductivity in amorphous horizon |
mm/day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Hydraulic conductivity by layer |
mm/day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Hydraulic conductivity top mineral |
mm/day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Hydraulic conductivity middle mineral |
mm/day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Hydraulic conductivity bottom mineral |
mm/day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Hydraulic conductivity in fibrous horizon |
mm/day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
GPP without N limitation |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
NPP witout N limitation |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Unlimited N uptake by plants. N uptake by happy plants when N is not limited. |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
IWC by layer |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
m2/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Layer depth from the surface |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Thickness of layer |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
0:moss 1:shlw 2:deep 3:mineral |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
int |
Litterfall C |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Litterfall N |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
LWC by layer |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Mineral SOM C |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Moss death carbon |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Moss death nitrogen |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Moss thickness |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
N losses from drainage (AVLN) |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil net N mineralization |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Nitrogen immobilization |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
N inputs into soil (AVLN) |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
N losses from soil (AVLN) |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
?? |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Labile N uptake by plants |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Structural N uptake by plants |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Total soil organic N |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Percolation by layer |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Permafrost (1 or 0) |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
Potential ET |
mm/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Water drainage quotient (~ratio) |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Qdrain per layer |
mm |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Water infiltration quotient (~ratio) |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Water runoff quotient (~ratio) |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Total rainfall |
mm |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Summed ecosystem respiration |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
RG |
Growth respiration |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Dead woody debris HR |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Heterotrophic respiration |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
RM |
Maintenance respiration |
g/m2/time |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Relative organic horizon burned ratio C |
g/g |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Water uptake by roots per layer |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Fibrous SOM C |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Fibrous SOM horizon thickness |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
DOY of last snow fall |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
Total snowfall |
mm |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Snow pack thickness by layer |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Snow temperature by layer |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
DOY of first snow fall |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
Snow pack thickness |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil organic C total |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil organic C frozen (if yearly Dec. only) |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil organic C unfrozen (if yearly Dec. only) |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil organic C active |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil organic C chemically resistant |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil organic C physically resistant |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Soil organic C raw |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Snow water equivalent |
kg/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Thermal conductivity in amorphous horizon |
W/m/K |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Thermal conductivity by layer |
W/m/K |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Thermal conductivity top mineral |
W/m/K |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Thermal conductivity middle mineral |
W/m/K |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Thermal conductivity bottom mineral |
W/m/K |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Thermal conductivity in fibrous horizon |
W/m/K |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Temperature in amorphous horizon |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Temperature by layer |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
Temperature top mineral |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Temperature middle mineral |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Temperature bottom mineral |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Transpiration |
mm/day |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Temperature in fibrous horizon |
degree_C |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Total veg. biomass C |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Total veg. biomass N |
g/m2 |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
VWC in amorphous horizon |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
VWC by layer |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
forced |
double |
VWC top mineral |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
VWC middle mineral |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
VWC bottom mineral |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
VWC in fibrous horizon |
m3/m3 |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Water table depth below surface |
m |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
double |
Years since last disturbance |
Years |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
invalid |
int |
1.3. Parameterization
DVMDOSTEM parameterization sets are developed for each CMT. Each CMT is defined by more than 200 parameters. Parameter values are estimated directly from field, lab or remote sensing observations, literature review or site-specific calibration. Calibration is required when (1) parameter values cannot be determined directly from available data or published information, and (2) model sensitivity to the parameter is substantial. The calibration process consists of adjusting parameter values until there is acceptable agreement between measured field data and model prediction on the state variables most influenced by the parameter to be calibrated. Due to the large number of parameters requiring calibration, and the non-linear nature of the relationships between parameters and state variables, model calibration can be labor-intensive. We are actively developing a calibration process that allows automation [Jafarov et al., 2024].
1.4. Software Design
The DVMDOSTEM software repository is a combination of tightly coupled sub-components:
the DVMDOSTEM model,
supporting tools, and
development environment specifications.
The core DVMDOSTEM model is written in C++ and uses some object-oriented concepts. The model exposes a command line interface that allows users to start simulations manually or use a scripting language to drive the command line interface.
Surrounding the core model is a large body of supporting tools to assist the user with preparing inputs, setting up and monitoring model runs and analyzing model outputs. This collection of tools is primarily written in Python and shell scripts, with some of the demonstration and exploratory analysis using Jupyter Notebooks. The supporting tooling is partially exposed via command line interfaces and a Python API which are documented in the User Guide.
The model and tools target a UNIX-like operating system environment. The combination of the core DVMDOSTEM model and the supporting tools result in the need for a complex computing environment with many dependencies. Docker images are used to manage this complexity, providing consistent environments for development and production, [Merkel, 2014].
Software updates are ongoing, stemming from the organic growth spanning 30+ years of development by research scientists, graduate students and programmers. Recent years have seen an increased effort to apply professional software development practices such as version control, automated documentation, containerization, and testing.