8. Contributing to the Codebase

This lab takes you through one possible workflow using Git and Github to make a modification to the codebase and have it included upstream. This is a somewhat simplified case and does not cover every situation you will run into. This is also not a basic Git tutorial and it assumes that you already are familiar with:

  • Installing Git on your system.

  • Working with the command line on your system.

  • Making commits using Git.

  • Browsing repositories on the Github website.

  • Viewing Git history, either with git log or a GUI program.

  • Rough understanding of the following git concepts: commits, staging, branches, merging, rebasing, repositories, remote repositories, and Git vs Github.

This tutorial also assumes that you have:

  • Cloned a copy of the dvm-dos-tem repository to your system.

  • A functioning development environment with your cloned copy of the code.

  • A Github account.

  • The ability to set up ssh keys for access to your Github account. (optional)

  • Been added as a collaborator with write access to the http://github.com/uaf-arctic-eco-modeling/dvm-dos-tem repository.

Begin by reading the Version Management section of this document for an overview of how the dvmdostem project uses Git and Github.

8.1. Single person topic branch and pull request process

This part of the tutorial is designed to walk you through a basic case of making a small modification to the code and getting that change merged into the upstream codebase. Understand that in the “real world” as you are working on more complicated changes sets, unique file formats (e.g. Jupyter Notebooks) or changes that affect other people’s environments (e.g. modifying the Dockerfile), you will frequently need to take additional steps or considerations beyond what is shown here!

A very similar example to these steps is shown graphically in the accompanying slides ~14-27

The steps:

  1. Clone repo to your machine (you may already have a copy in which case you don’t need to clone again)

  2. Browse the code to find one (or more) of the following:

    1. Find an error or omission in the dvmdostem project’s documentation - this should be easy 😉!

      1. Read the section of this document on Documentation and documentation systems so that you will understand what part of the docs you are improving (i.e. just a comment in the code or something that will need to be parsed by doxygen or pydoc or Python’s argparse or whatever)

      2. Extra credit: find a typo in the Doxygen documentation - then you will need to re-build the doxygen outputs to see your modification and will get to know about .gitignore

    2. A bug or missing feature in the program.

  3. Make sure you have the master branch checked out and are up-to-date with the upstream/master.

  4. Checkout a topic branch for your fix.

  5. Engage in the core development process loop as much as necessary to make your modification and verify that it works. For fixing a simple typo in a comment string, this might be trivial - there is nothing to compile and run or check. For modifying the code this might take many cycles of the loop and many commits.

  6. Once you have committed changes on your topic branch, you can push your topic branch to the upstream repository. You might wait until you are finished with the topic branch, or you might push sooner in order to back up your work, or to share your work.

  7. Once you have finished your work, use the Github website to Create a Pull Request. You want to request that your topic branch be merged into the uaf-arctic-eco-modeling/dvm-dos-tem master branch.

  8. Engage in discussion with other folks using Github’s comments on the PR, Slack, or other communications.

    1. Group reviews indicate work is complete: Go to next step

    2. Group reviews indicate more work to be done: continue coding, and committing. When you push the topic branch upstream, the Github Pull Request will track the updated commits.

  9. In the meantime while waiting on this PR to be merged, you may go back to your master branch and checkout a new topic branch to start another project. It is fine to have several topic branches going at one time.

  10. Once your PR has been merged, you need to update your repository to reflect the changes: git checkout master && git pull upstream master

  11. You are ready to start again!


  • What to do if there is interdependence between topic branches?

  • How to choose a branch?

  • What if you work for a long time and realize you have one branch with many topics in it?

8.2. Multi-person topic branch process

See accompanying slides (above) ~29-39.

Lets have two people: Y and Z who are both working on the project, and in fact they both need to work on the same topic branch. This example is harder to write prescriptive steps for, so instead an example sequence will be enumerated and it will be up to the reader to translate that into their own concrete steps. This example is shown graphically in the associated slides.

  1. Both people start with the master branch checked out.

  2. Person Y checks out a new topic branch and makes several commits.

  3. Person Y pushes their topic branch to the upstream repo.

  4. Person Z pulls the new topic branch.

  5. Person Y makes additional commits.

  6. Person Z makes additional commits.

  7. Person Y checks to make sure Person Z has not pushed anything.

  8. Person Y pushes their new commits.

  9. Person Z checks to make sure Person Y has not pushed - but they have!

  10. Person Z does a git pull - rebase which carries out the following steps more or less automatically:

    1. takes Person Z’s recent commits on top of the topic branch and sets them aside

    2. pulls (fetch + merge) Person Y’s commits from the upstream topic branch and (fast forward) merges the commits on top of the existing branch; after this step Person Y and Z’s branches are effectively the same

    3. replays Person Z’s commits on top of the topic branch (which now has everything from Person Y)

  11. Person Z pushes to upstream topic branch

  12. Person Y pulls from upstream topic branch

  13. Now Person Y and Z’s repositories are identical - each repo has the work of both people!


  • Why use --rebase

    • Puts conflict resolution on the coder who is most familiar with the section.

    • Avoids merge commits in the history which can be ard to read.

    • Makes it likely that topic branch will merge cleanly into upstream/master

    • Provides opportunity for commits to be rearranged and cleaned up before being pushed

  • What is appropriate for committing vs keep personal?


Should you maintain a personal fork?

This is situationally dependent. If you are not granted access to the upstream repo (https://github.com/uaf-arctic-eco-modeling/dvm-dos-tem.git), then you will need to maintain your own fork on GIthub in order to submit pull requests. If you do have write access to the upstream repo, then maintaining a personal fork is optional. For branches where you are actively committing with other people it is simpler to keep the branch o the upstream repo, but sometimes a personal fork is nice for additional separation or to test ideas that you want backed up to the cloud (by pushing to your fork) but are not comfortable having in the upstream repository.


An initial reaction with version control is to simply commit everything. This is a great instinct when working as an individual, and aside from being tedious doesn’t really have any drawbacks. However when working with multiple people, “over committing” can be a real problem.


Some help here about how to setup ssh keys…