This script runs a special Sensitivity Analysis that is used as as the initial part of a the calibration process. This is the left (orange) half of the diagram in the MADS Assisted Calibration section.

The general idea is that the user provides a config file (yaml) with a bunch of settings. This script and the Sensitivity driver class then use those settings to draw a bunch of sample parameter values and then setup one run folder for each set of parameter samples. The model is run in each sample folder and at the end the results are collected summarized into a tabular format that can be further analyzed.

Most of the settings should be set in the config file, but some of them can be overridden with command line arguments to this script.

usage: [-h] [--dry-run] [-f] configfile

Positional Arguments


The config file to use.

Named Arguments

If passed, only do the setup, don’t actually

launch the runs. The setup can still take some time as the parameter sampling scheme can be computationally intensive. Additionally, the the actual creation of all the sample run folders is not particularly effecient.

Default: False

-f, --force

Clean the working directory without warning.

Default: False